introduction to the word2vec, the skip gram model and the continuous bag-of-words model.
introduction to the word2vec, the skip gram model and the continuous bag-of-words model.
introducing some basics on the neural network.
introducing some basics on the neural network.
sampling based approaches to reduce the computational complexity in the gradient calculation of the softmax regression.
sampling based approaches to reduce the computational complexity in the gradient calculation of the softmax regression.
revisit on softmax regression, including derivation in details and hierarchical softmax regression.
revisit on softmax regression, including derivation in details and hierarchical softmax regression.
notes on differentiations, including the numerical differentiation, the forward-mode differentiation, and the reverse-mode differentiation
notes on differentiations, including the numerical differentiation, the forward-mode differentiation, and the reverse-mode differentiation
It has been a while not updating notes. It feels good to get rid of that shit project. This note is about two exceptions that are mingled by many people: ClassNotFoundException and NoClassDefFoundError.
It has been a while not updating notes. It feels good to get rid of that shit project. This note is about two exceptions that are mingled by many people: ClassNotFoundException and NoClassDefFoundError.
The isotonic regression is used to fit monotonic curve, and classifier calibration is a typical use case.
The isotonic regression is used to fit monotonic curve, and classifier calibration is a typical use case.
Introduction to the random forest decision tree, the gradient boosting regression tree, and the adaptive boosting classification tree.
Introduction to the random forest decision tree, the gradient boosting regression tree, and the adaptive boosting classification tree.
A very rough view on the CART, without the mention of implementation details.
A very rough view on the CART, without the mention of implementation details.