The process of kerberos authentication, notes on jaas and jgss.
The process of kerberos authentication, notes on jaas and jgss.
it is mainly about nested class, also refers to static keyword and inheritance
it is mainly about nested class, also refers to static keyword and inheritance
notes on the ISR in kafka, a mechanism for HA and consistence.
notes on the ISR in kafka, a mechanism for HA and consistence.
simplified implementation of Promise and Future in Scala.
simplified implementation of Promise and Future in Scala.
brief introduction to JVM bytecode instructions and classfile.
brief introduction to JVM bytecode instructions and classfile.
very rough, or even worse, something incorrect, description on the internal memory in jvm.
very rough, or even worse, something incorrect, description on the internal memory in jvm.
words and sentences extracted from the Godfather
words and sentences extracted from the Godfather
introduction to reflection in java
introduction to reflection in java
introduction to concurrency in jvm
introduction to concurrency in jvm