
Definition: A map A -> (f) -> B is called an isomorphism, or invertible map, if there is a map B -> (g) -> f for which g◦f = 1A and f◦g = 1B. And g is called an inverse for f. Two objects A and B are isomorphic if there exists at least one isomorphism A -> (f) -> B.

The notation of isomorphic (or equinumerous, same size) has following properties:

  • Reflexive: A is isomorphic to A.
  • Symmetric: If A is isomorphic to B, then B is isomorphic to A.
  • Transitive: If A is isomorphic to B and B is isomorphic to C, then A is isomorphic to C.

Notation on the inverse of a map: If A -> (f) -> B has an inverse, then the inverse of f is denoted by f-1.

Two important things:

  1. To show that a map B -> (g) -> A satisfies g = f-1, you must show that g◦f = 1A and f◦g = 1B.
  2. If f does not have an inverse, then f-1 does not stand for anything.

General division problems: determination and choice

The determination (or extension) problem: Given f and h as shown, what are all g, if any, for which h = g◦f.

determination diagram

The choice (or lifting) problem: Give g and h as shown, what are all f, if any, for which h = g◦f.

choice diagram

In the determination problem and the choice problem, when h is an identity map, they turn out to be retraction problem and section problem.

Definitions: If A -> (f) -> B, a retraction for f is a map B -> (r) -> A for which r◦f = 1A, and, a section for f is a map B -> (s) -> A for which f◦s = 1B.

If a map has sections, it may have several, and another map may have several retractions. Some maps have retractions but no sections (or vice versa), and many have neither.

Proposition: If a single choice problem has a solution (a section for f), then every choice problem involving the same f has a solution.

Proposition 1: If a map A -> (f) -> B has a section, then for any T and for any map T -> (y) -> B there exists a map T -> (x) -> A for which f◦x = y.

If a map f satisfies the conclusion of above proposition, it is often said to be surjective for maps from T.

Since among the T there are the one-element sets, and since a map T -> (y) -> B from a one element set is an element, so if the codomain B of f has some element which is not the value f◦x at any x in A, then f could not have any section s.

Proposition 1*: If the single determination problem has a solution (a retraction for f), then every determination problem with the same f has a solution.

Proposition 2: If a map A -> (f) -> B has a retraction, then for any set T and any pair of maps T -> (x1) -> A, T -> (x2) -> A from any set T to A, if f◦x1 = f◦x2, then x1 = x2.

If a map f satisfies the conclusion of above proposition, it is said to be injective for maps from T.

If f is injective for maps from T for every T, one says that f is injective, or is a monomorphism.

Since T could have just one element, if there were two elements x1 and x2 of A for which x1 =/= x2 yet f◦x1 = f◦x2, then there could not be any retraction for f.

Definition: A map f with the cancellation property (if t1◦f = t2◦f, then t1 = t2) for every T is called an epimorphism.

Both monomorphism and epimorphism are cancellation properties.

Proposition 3: If A -> (f) -> B has a retraction and B -> (g) -> C has a retraction, then A -> (g◦f) -> C has a retraction.

Definition: An endomap e is called idempotent if e◦e = e.

Theorem (uniqueness of inverses): If f has both a retraction r and a section s, then r = s.

Isomorphisms and automorphisms

Definitions: A map f is called isomorphism if there exists another map f-1 which is both a retraction and a section for f. Such a map f-1 is called the inverse map of f. The theorem of the uniqueness of inverses shows that there is only one inverse.

A map which is both an endomap and at the same time an isomorphism is called an automorphism.

If there are any isomorphisms A -> B, then there are the same number of them as there are automorphisms of A. (*p. 69)

An automorphism in the category of sets is traditionally called a permutation.