A shared-memory multiprocessor, a.k.a multicore, is a system that multiprocessors communicating via a shared memory. Multiprocessor programming is challenging because modern computer systems are inherently asynchronous: activities can be halted or delayed without warning by interrupts, preemption, cache misses, failures, and other events. These delays are inherently unpredictable, and can vary enormously in scale: a cache miss might delay a processor for fewer than ten instructions, a page fault for a few million instructions, and operating system preemption for hundreds of millions of instructions.

Amdahl’s Heartbreaking Law

Amdahl’s Law captures the notion that the extent to which we can speed up any complex job is limited by how much of the job must be executed sequentially. Define the speedup of a job to be the ratio between the time it takes one processor to complete the job versus the time it takes concurrent processors to complete the same job. Amdahl’s Law characterizes the maximum speedup that can be achieved by processors collaborating on an application, where is the fraction of the job that can be executed in parallel. Assume that it takes time for a single processor to complete the job. With concurrent processors, the parallel part takes time and the sequential part takes time . Overall, the parallelized computation takes time: .

Amdahl’s Law says that the speedup, that is, the ratio between the sequential time and the parallel time, is .

In practice, there is some job which has little fraction can be executed in parallel, you can hardly speedup the execution no matter how many resources you have under such a heartbreaking condition.

Reasoning about the concurrent computation

Reasoning about the concurrent computation is mostly reasoning about time. Sometimes we want things to happen simultaneously, and sometimes we want them to happen at different times. We need to reason about complicated conditions involving how multiple time intervals can overlap, or, sometimes, how they cannot.

A thread is a state machine, and its state transitions are called events. Events are instantaneous: they occur at a single instant of time. It is convenient to require that events are never simultaneous: distinct events occur at distinct times.

A critical section is a block of code that can be executed by only one thread at a time. And this is the property mutual exclusion.


Mutual Exclusion: Critical sections of different threads do not overlap. The mutual exclusion is a safety property.

Two kinds of communication occur naturally in concurrent systems:

  • Transient communication requires both parties to participate at the same time.
  • Persistent communication allows the sender and receiver to participate at different times.

Mutual exclusion requires persistent communication.

Freedom from Deadlock: If some thread attempts to acquire the lock, then some thread will succeed in acquiring the lock. The deadlock-freedom property implies that the system never freezes. Individual threads may be stuck forever (called starvation), but some thread makes progress. The deadlock-freedom is a liveness property.

A program composed with locks all satisfying deadlock-free property is not guaranteed to be deadlock-free. For example, consider threads and that share locks and . First, acquires and acquires . Next, tries to acquire and tries to acquire . The threads deadlock because each one waits for the other to release its lock. A program can still deadlock even if each of the locks it uses satisfies the deadlock-freedom property.

Freedom from Starvation (lockout-freedom property): Every thread that attempts to acquire the lock eventually succeeds. The starvation freedom implies deadlock freedom. The starvation-freedom property is the least compelling of the three. It is also weak in the sense that there is no guarantee for how long a thread waits before it enters the critical section.

Fairness: the starvation-freedom property guarantees that every thread that calls lock() eventually enters that critical section, but it makes no guarantees about how long this may take. Ideally if calls lock() before , then should enter the critical section before .

Any algorithm that is both deadlock-free and first-come-first-served is also starvation-free.

Any deadlock-free Lock algorithm based on reading and writing memory requires allocating and then reading or writing at least distinct locations in the worst case where is the maximum number of concurrent threads.

Blocking and nonblocking

Along a different dimension, different method implementations provide different progress guarantees. Some are blocking, where the delay of any one thread can delay others, and some are nonblocking, where the delay of a thread cannot delay the others.


The behavior of concurrent objects is best described through their safety and liveness properties, often referred to as correctness and progress.

Three correctness conditions:

  • Quiescent consistency is appropriate for applications that require high performance at the cost of placing relatively weak constraints on object behavior.
  • Sequential consistency is a stronger condition, often useful for describing low-level systems such as hardware memory interfaces.
  • Linearizability, even stronger, is useful for describing higher-level systems composed from linearizable components.

Method calls take time. A method call is the interval that starts with an invocation event and ends with a response event. Method calls by concurrent threads may overlap, while method calls by a single thread are always sequential. We say a method call is pending if its call event has occurred, but not its response event.

A correctness property is compositional if, whenever each object in the system satisfies , the system as a whole satisfies .

The order in which a single thread issues method calls is called its program order.

Quiescent consistency is defined by two principles:

  • Method calls should appear to happen in a one-at-a-time, sequential order.
  • Method calls separated by a perioid of quiescence should appear to take effect in their real-time order.

Informally, it says that any time an object becomes quiescent, then the execution so far is equivalent to some sequential execution of the completed calls.

A method is total if it is defined for every object state; otherwise it is partial. In any concurrent execution, for any pending invocation of a total method, there exists a quiescently consistent response. The quiescent consistency is a nonblocking correctness condition.

Sequential consistency is defined by two principles:

  • Method calls should appear to happen in a one-at-a-time, sequential order.
  • Method calls should appear to take effect in program order.

Sequential consistency requires that method calls act as if they occurred in a sequential order consistent with program order.

Sequential consistency and quiescent consistency are incomparable: there exist sequentially consistent executions that are not quiescently consistent, and vice versa. Quiescent consistency does not necessarily preserve program order, and sequential consistency is unaffected by quiescent periods.

In most modern multiprocessor architectures, memory reads and writes are not sequentially consistent: they can be typically reordered in complex ways. Most of the time no one can tell, because the vast majority of reads-writes are not used for synchronization. In those specific cases where programmers need sequential consistency, they must ask for it explicitly. The architectures provide special instructions (usually called memory barriers or fences) that instruct the processor to propagate updates to and from memory as needed, to ensure that reads and writes interact correctly. In the end, the architectures do implement sequential consistency, but only on demand.

Sequential consistency, like quiescent consistency, is nonblocking: any pending call to a total method can always be completed. Sequential consistency is not compositional.

Linearizability: Each method call should appear to take effect instantaneously at some moment between its invocation and response. This principle states that the real-time behaviour of method calls must be preserved. Every linearizable execution is sequentially consistent, but not vice versa. The usual way to show that a concurrent object implementation is linearizable is to identify for each method a linearization point where the method takes effect. Linearizability, like sequential consistency, is nonblocking. Like quiescent consistency, but unlike sequential consistency, linearizability is compositional.

Compositionality is important because it allows concurrent systems to be designed and constructed in a modular fashion; linearizable objects can be implemented, verified, and executed independently. A concurrent system based on a noncompositional correctness property must either relay on a centralized scheduler for all objects, or else satisfy additional constraints placed on objects to ensure that they follow compatible scheduling protocols.

Wait-free and Lock-free

A method is wait-free if it guarantees that every call finishes its execution in a finite number of steps. It is bounded wait-free if there is a bound on the number of steps a method call can take. A wait-free method whose performance does not depend on the number of active threads is called population-oblivious.

The wait-free property is attractive because it guarantees that every thread that takes steps makes progress. However, wait-free algorithms can be inefficient, and sometimes we are willing to settle for a weaker nonblocking property.

A method is lock-free if it guarantees that infinitely often some method call finishes in a finite number of steps. Any wait-free method implementation is also lock-free, but not vice versa. Lock-free algorithms admit the possibility that some threads could starve. As a practical matter, there are many situations in which starvation, while possible, is extremely unlikely, so a fast lock-free algorithm may be more attractive than a slower wait-free algorithm.

A method call executes in isolation if no other threads take steps. A method is obstruction-free if, from any point after which it executes in isolation, it finishes in a finite number of steps.

Like the other nonblocking progress conditions, the obstruction-free condition ensures that not all threads can be blocked by a sudden delay of one or more other threads. A lock-free algorithm is obstruction-free, but not vice versa.

The obstruction-free algorithm rules out the use of locks but does not guarantee progress when multiple threads execute concurrently. It seems to defy the fair approach of most operating system schedulers by guaranteeing progress only when one thread is unfairly scheduled ahead of the others.


The foundations of sequential computing were established in the 1930s by Alan Turing and Alonzo Church, who independently formulated what has come to be known as the Church-Turing Thesis: anything that can be computed, can be computed by a Turing Machine (or, equivalently, by Church’s Lambda Calculus). Any problem that cannot be solved by a Turing Machine (such as deciding whether a program halts on any input) is universally considered to be unsolvable by any kind of practical computing device. The Turing Thesis is a thesis, not a theorem, because the notion of “what is computable” can never be defined in a precise, mathematically rigorous way. Nevertheless, just about everyone believes it.

If one thinks of primitive synchronization instructions as objects whose exported methods are the instructions themselves (in the literature these objects are often referred to as synchronization primitives), one can show that there is an infinite hierarchy of synchronization primitives, such that no primitive at one level can be used for a wait-free or lock-free implementation of any primitives at higher levels. The basic idea is simple: each class in the hierarchy has an associated consensus number, which is the maximum number of threads for which objects of the class can solve an elementary synchronization problem called consensus. In a system of or more concurrent threads, it is impossible to construct a wait-free or lock-free implementation of an object with consensus number from an object with a lower consensus number.

Atomic registers have consensus number . It is impossible to construct a wait-free implementation of any object with consensus number greater than using atomic registers.

Many, if not all, of the classical synchronization operations provided by multiprocessors in hardware can be expressed as read-modify-write (RMW) operations, or, as they are called in their object form, read-modify-write registers. A method is an RMW for the function set if it atomically replaces the current register value with , for some , and returns the original value . An RMW method is nontrivial if its set of functions includes at least one function that is not the identity function.

Any nontrivial RMW register has consensus number at least .

A set of functions belongs to Common2 if for all values and all and in , either:

  • and commute: , or
  • one function overwrites the other:

A RMW register belongs to Common2 if its set of functions belongs to Common2. Any RMW register in Common2 has consensus number (exactly) .

A register providing compareAndSet() and get() methods has an infinite consensus number.

A class is universal in a system of threads if, and only if it has a consensus number greater than or equal to .

A class is universal if one can construct a wait-free implementation of any object from some number of objects of and some number of read-write registers.

Any mutual exclusion protocol poses the question: what do you do if you cannot acquire the lock? There are two alternatives. If you keep trying, the lock is called a spin lock, and repeatedly testing the lock is called spinning, or busywaiting. The alternative is to suspend yourself and ask the operating system’s scheduler to schedule another thread on your processor, which is sometimes called blocking.


We consider a typical multiprocessor architecture in which processors communicate by a shared broadcast medium called a bus (like a tiny Ethernet). Both the processors and the memory controller can broadcast on the bus, but only one processor (or memory) can broadcast on the bus at a time. All processors (and memory) can listen. Today, bus-based architectures are common because they are easy to build, although they scale poorly to large numbers of processors.

Each processor has a cache, a small high-speed memory where the processor keeps data likely to be of interest. A memory access typically requires orders of magnitude more machine cycles than a cache access.

When a processor reads from an address in memory, it first checks whether that address and its contents are present in its cache. If so, then the processor has a cache hit, and can load the value immediately. If not, then the processor has a cache miss, and must find the data either in the memory, or in another processor’s cache. The processor then broadcasts the address on the bus. The other processors snoop on the bus. If one processor has that address in its cache, then it responds by broadcasting the address and value. If no processor has that address, then the memory itself responds with the value at that address.

Following are two different implementations of spin lock:

public class TASLock implements Lock {
  AtomicBoolean state = new AtomicBoolean(false);
  public void lock() {
    while(state.getAndSet(true)) {}
  public void unlock() {

In TASLock, each getAndSet() call is broadcast on the bus. Because all threads must use the bus to communicate with memory, these getAndSet() calls delay all threads, even those not waiting for the lock. Even worse, the getAndSet() call forces other processors to discard their own cached copies of the lock, so every spinning thread encounters a cache miss almost every time, and must use the bus to fetch the new, but unchanged value. Adding insult to injury, when the thread holding the lock tries to release it, it may be delayed because the bus is monopolized by the spinners.

public class TTASLock implements Lock {
  AtomicBoolean state = new AtomicBoolean(false);
  public void lock() {
    while(true) {
      while(state.get()) {};
  public void unlock() {

Now consider the behaviour of the TTASLock algorithm while the lock is held by a thread . The first time thread reads the lock it takes a cache miss, forcing to block while the value is loaded into ’s cache. As long as holds the lock, repeatedly rereads the value, but hits in the cache every time. thus produces no bus traffic, and does not slow down other threads’ memory accesses. Moreover, a thread that releases a lock is not delayed by threads spinning on that lock.

The situation deteriorates, however, when the lock is released. The lock holder releases the lock by writing false to the lock variable, which immediately invalidates the spinners’ cached copies. Each one takes a cache miss, rereads the new value, and they all (more-or-less simultaneously) call getAndSet() to acquire the lock. The first to succeed invalidates the others, who must then reread the value, causing a storm of bus traffic. Eventually, the threads settle down once again to local spinning.

This notion of local spinning, where threads repeatedly reread cached values instead of repeatedly using the bus, is an important principle critical to the design of efficient spin locks.


With conventional synchronization primitives, we have problems as follows

  • Locks are hard to manage effectively, especially in large systems.
  • Atomic primitives such as compareAndSet() operate on only one word at a time, resulting in complex algorithms.
  • It is difficult to compose multiple calls to multiple objects into atomic units.

A transaction is a sequence of steps executed by a single thread. Transactions must be serializable, meaning that they appear to execute sequentially, in a one-at-a-time order.

Serializability is a kind of coarse-grained version of linearizability. Linearizability defined atomicity of individual objects by requiring that each method call of a given object appear to take effect instantaneously between its invocation and response, Serializability, on the other hand, defines atomicity for entire transactions, that is, blocks of code that may include calls to multiple objects. It ensures that a transaction appears to take effect between the invocation of its first call and the response to its last call.

Some definitions of serializability in the literature do not require transactions to be serialized in an order compatible with their real-time precedence order.

Properly implemented, transactions do not deadlock or livelock.