Linear regression and KNN
Let’s consider a case of a quantitative output, and place ourselves in the world of random variables and probability spaces. Let \(X \in \mathcal{R}^p\) denote a real valued input vector, and \(Y \in \mathcal{R}\) a real valued random output variable, with joint distribution \(\text{Pr}(X,Y)\). We seek a function \(f(X)\) for predicting \(Y\) given values of the input \(X\). This theory requires a loss function \(\mathcal{L}(Y,f(X))\) for penalizing errors in prediction, and by far the most common and convenient is squared error loss: \(\mathcal{L}(Y,f(X))=(Y-f(X))^2\). This leads us to a criterion for choosing \(f\),
the expected (squared) prediction error. By conditioning on \(X\), we can write \(\text{EPE}\) as
and we see that it suffices to minimize \(\text{EPE}\) pointwise:
The solution is
the conditional expression, also known as the regression function. Thus the best prediction of \(Y\) at any point \(X=x\) is the conditional mean, when best is measured by average squared error.
The nearest-neighbor methods attempt to directly implement this recipe using the training data. At each point \(x\), we might ask for the average of all those \(y_i\)s with input \(x_i=x\). Since there is typically at most one observation at any point \(x\), we settle for
where \(\text{Ave}\) denotes average, and \(\text{N}_k(x)\) is the neighborhood containing the \(k\) points in \(T\) closest to \(x\). Two approximations are happening here:
- expectation is approximated by averaging over sample data
- conditioning at a point is relaxed to conditioning on some region close to the target
For large training sample size \(\text{N}\), the points in the neighborhood are likely to be close to \(x\), and as \(k\) gets large the average will get more stable. In fact, under mild regularity conditions on the joint probability distribution \(\text{Pr}(X,Y)\), one can show that as \(\text{N}, k \rightarrow \infty\) such that \(k/\text{N} \rightarrow 0\), \(\hat{f}(x) \rightarrow \mathbb{E}(Y|X=x)\).
In light of this, why look further, since it seems we have a universal approximator? We often do not have very large samples. If the linear or some more structured model is appropriate, then we can usually get a more stable estimate than k-nearest neighbors, although such knowledge has to be learned from the data as well. There are otehr problems though, sometimes disastrous. When the dimension \(p\) gets large, so does the metric size of the k-nearest neighborhood. So settling for nearest neighborhood as a surrogate for conditioning will fail us miserably. The convergence above still holds, but the rate of convergence decreases as the dimension increases.
How does linear regression fit into this framework? The simplest explanation is that one assumes that the regression function \(f(x)\) is approximately linear in its arguments:
This is a model-based approach, we specify a model for the regression function. Plugging this linear model for \(f(x)\) into \(\text{EPE}\) and differentiating we can solve for \(\beta\) theoretically:
Note we have not conditioned on \(X\); rather we have used our knowledge of the functional relationship to pool over values of \(X\). The least squares solution amounts to replacing the expectation by average over the training data.
So both k-nearest neighbors and least squares end up approximating conditional expectations by averages. But they differ dramatically in terms of model assumptions:
- Least squares assumes \(f(x)\) is well approximated by a globally linear function.
- k-nearest neighbors assumes \(f(x)\) is well approximated by a locally constant function.
Curse of dimensionality
Consider the nearest-neighbor procedure for inputs uniformly distributed in a p-dimensionality unit hypercube. Suppose we send out a hypercubical neighborhood about a target point to capture a fraction \(r\) of the observations. Since this corresponds to a fraction \(r\) of the unit volume, the expected edge length will be \(e_p(r)=r^{1/p}\). In ten dimensions \(e_{10}(0.01)=0.63\) and \(e_{10}(0.1)=0.8\), while the entire range for each input is only \(1.0\). So to capture \(1\%\) or \(10\%\) of the data to form a local average, we must cover \(63\%\) or \(80\%\) of the range of each input variable. Such neighborhoods are no longer local. Reducing \(r\) dramatically does not help much either, since the fewer observations we average, the higher is the variance of our fit.
Another consequence of the sparse sampling in high dimensions is that all sample points are close to an edge of the sample. Consider \(N\) data points uniformly distributed in a p-dimensional unit ball centered at the origin. Suppose we consider a nearest-neighbor estimate at the origin. The median distance from the origin to the closest data point is given by the expression
Hence most data points are closer to the boundary of the sample space than to any other data point. The reason that this presents a problem is that prediction is much more difficult near the edges of the training sample. One must extrapolate from neighboring sample points rather than interpolate between them.
Another manifestation of the curse is that the sampling density is proportional to \(N^{1/p}\), where \(p\) is the dimension of the input space and \(N\) is the sample size. Thus, if \(N_1=100\) represents a dense sample for a single input problem, then \(N_{10}=100^{10}\) is the sample size required for the same sampling density with \(10\) inputs. Thus in high dimensions all feasible training samples sparsely populate the input space.
The complexity of functions of many variables can grow exponentially with the dimension, and if we wish to be able to estimate such functions with the same accuracy as function in low dimensions, then we need the size of our training set to grow exponentially as well.
Soft thresholding & hard thresholding
Ridge regression does a proportional shrinkage. Lasso translates each coefficient by a constant factor \(\lambda\), truncating at zero. This is called soft thresholding, and is used in the context of wavelet-based smoothing. Best-subset selection drops all variables with coefficients smaller than the Mth largest; this is a form of hard thresholding.
Smoothing methods
Adaptive wavelet filtering and smoothing spline
The Bias-Variance Decomposition
If we assume that \(Y=f(X)+\epsilon\) where \(\mathbb{E}(\epsilon) = 0\) and \(\text{Var}(\epsilon)=\sigma_\epsilon^2\), we can derive an expression for the expected prediction error of a regression fit \(\hat{f}(X)\) at an input point \(X=x_0\), using squared-error loss:
The first term is the variance of the target around its true mean \(f(x_0)\), and cannot be avoided no matter how well we estimate \(f(x_0)\), unless \(\sigma_\epsilon^2=0\). The second term is the squared bias, the amount by which the average of our estimate differs from the true mean. The last term is the variance, the expected squared deviation of \(\hat{f}(x_0)\) around its mean. Typically the more complex we make the model \(\hat{f}\), the lower the (squared) bias but the higher the variance.
For the k-nearest neighbor regression fit, these expressions have the simple form
Here we assume for simplicity that training inputs \(x_i\) are fixed, and the randomness arises from the \(y_i\). The number of neighbors \(k\) is inversely related to the model complexity. For small \(k\), the estimate \(\hat{f}_k(x)\) can potentially squared difference between \(f(x_0)\) and the average of \(f(x)\) at the k-nearest neighbors will typically increase, while the variance decreases.
For a linear model fit \(\hat{f}_p(x)=\hat{\beta}^Tx\), where the parameter vector \(\beta\) with \(p\) components is fit by least squares, we have
Here \(h(x_0)=X(X^TX)^{-1}x_0\), the N-vector of linear weights that produce the fit \(\hat{f}_p(x_0)=x_0^T(X^TX)^{-1}X^Ty\), and hence \(\text{Var}[\hat{f}_p(x_0)]=||h(x_0)||^2\sigma_\epsilon^2\). While this variance changes with \(x_0\), its average (with \(x_0\) taken to be each of the sample values \(x_i\)) is \(\frac{p}{N}\sigma_\epsilon^2\), and hence
the in-sample error. Here model complexity is directly related to the number of parameters \(p\).
The test error \(\text{Err}(x_0)\) for a ridge regression fit \(\hat{f}_\alpha(x_0)\) is identical in form to that for least squares, except the linear weights in the variance term are different: \(h(x_0)=X(X^TX+\alpha I)^Tx_0\). The bias term will also be different.
For a linear model family such as ridge regression, we can break down the bias more finely. Let \(\beta_*\) denote the parameters of the best-fitting linear approximation to \(f\):
Here the expectation is taken with respect to the distribution of the input variables \(X\). Then we can write the average squared bias as
The first term on the right-hand side is the average squared model bias, the error between the best-fitting linear approximation and the treu function. The second term is the average squared estimation bias, the error between the average estimate \(\mathbb{E}(\hat{\beta}^Tx_0)\) and the best-fitting linear approximation.
For linear models fit by ordinary least squares, the estimation bias is zero. For restricted fits, such as ridge regression, it is positive, and we trade it off with the benifits of a reduced variance. The model bias can only be reduced by enlarging the class of linear models to a richer collection of models, by including interactions and transformations of the variables in the model.
Tagent distance
The tangent distance can be computed by estimating the direction vector from small rotations of the image, or by more sophisticated spatial smoothing methods. It approximates the invariance manifold of the image by its tangent at the original image.