Generative and discriminative

One way to build a probabilistic classifier is to create a joint model of the form \(p(y,x)\) and then to condition on \(x\), thereby deriving \(p(y|x)\). This is called the generative approach. An alternative approach is to fit a model of the form \(p(y|x)\) directly. This is called the discriminative approach.

Perhaps the simplest algorithm for unconstrained optimization is gradient descent, also known as steepest descent. This can be written as follows:

where \(\eta_k\) is the step size or learning rate. The main issue in gradient descent is: how would we set the step size? Let us develop a more stable method for picking the step size, so that the method is guaranteed to converge to a local optimum no matter where we start. This property is called global convergence, which should not be confused with convergence to the global optimum. By Taylor’s theorem, we have

where \(d\) is the descent direction. So if \(\eta\) is chosen small enough, then \(f(\theta+\eta d) < f(\theta)\), since the gradient will be negative. But we don’t want to choose the step size \(\eta\) too small, or we will move very slowly and may not reach the minimum. So let us pick \(\eta\) to minimize

This is called line minimization or line search.

The steepest descent path with exact line searches exhibits a characteristic zig-zag behavior. Note that an exact line search satisfies \(\eta_k = \arg\min_{\eta > 0}(\phi(\eta))\). A necessary condition for the optimum is \(\phi’(\eta)=0\). By the chain rule, \(\phi’(\eta)=d^T g\), where \(g=f’(\theta+\eta d)\) is the gradient at the end of the step. So we either have \(g=0\), which means we have found a stationary point, or \(g \perp d\), which means that exact search stops at a point where the local gradient is perpendicular to the search direction. Hence consecutive directions will be orthogonal. This explains the zig-zag behavior.

One simple heuristic to reduce the effect of zig-zagging is to add a momentum term, \((\theta_k - \theta_{k-1})\), as follows:

where \(0 \leq \mu_k \leq 1\) controls the importance of the momentum term. In the optimization community, this is known as the heavy ball method.

An alternative way to minimize “zig-zagging” is to use the method of conjugate gradients. This is the method of choice for quadratic objectives of the form \(f(\theta)=\theta^TA\theta\), which arise when solving linear systems. However, non-linear CG is less popular.


It is sometimes useful to detect data cases which are outliers. This is called residual analysis or case analysis. In a regression setting, this can be performed by computing \(r_i=y_i-\hat{y}_i\), where \(\hat{y}_i=\hat{w}^Tx_i\). There values should follow a \(\mathcal{N}(0,\sigma^2)\) distribution, if the modelling assumptions are correct. This can be assessed by creating a qq-plot, where we plot the N theoretical quantiles of a Gaussian distribution against the N empirical quantiles of the \(r_i\). Points that deviate from the straightline are potential outliers.

Online learning

Traditionally machine learning is performed offline, which means we have a batch of data, and we optimize an equation of the following form

where \(z_i=(x_i, y_i)\) in the supervised case, or just \(x_i\) in the unsupervised case, and \(f(\theta, z_i)\) is some kind of loss function.

However, if we have streaming data, we need to perform online learning, so we can update our estimates as each new data point arrives rather than waiting until the end. And even if we have a batch of data, we might want to treat it like a stream if it is too large to hold in main memory.

Suppose that at each step, “nature” presents a sample \(z_k\) and the “learner” must respond with a parameter estimate \(\theta_k\). In the theoretical machine learning community, the objective used in online learning is the regret, which is the averaged loss incurred relative to the best we could have gotten in hindsight using a single fixed parameter value:

One simple algorithm for online learning is online gradient descent, which is as follows: at each step \(k\), update the parameters using

where \(\text{proj}_\mathcal{V}(v) = \arg\min_{w \in \mathcal{V}}||w-v||_2\) is the projection of vector \(v\) onto space \(\mathcal{V}\), \(g_k=\nabla f(\theta_k,z_k)\) is the gradient, and \(\eta_k\) is the step size.

Now suppose that instead of minimizing regret with respect to the past, we want to minimize expected loss in the future, as is more common in (frequentist) statistical learning theory. That is, we want to minimize

where the expectation is taken over future data. Optimizing functions where some of the variables in the objective are random is called stochastic optimization.

Suppose we receive an infinite stream of samples from the distribution. One way to optimize stochastic objectives is to perform the update as in previous equation at each step. This is called stochastic gradient descent or SGD. Since we typically want a single parameter estimate, we can use a running average:

This is called Polyak-Ruppert averaging, and can be implemented recursively as follows:

We now discuss some sufficient conditions on the learning rate to guarantee convergence of SGD. These are known as the Robbins-Monro conditions:

The set of values of \(\eta_k\) over time is called the learning rate schedule.

One drawback of SGD is that is uses the same step size for all parameters. The method adagrad is similar in spirit to a diagonal Hessian approximation. In particular, if \(\theta_i(k)\) is parameter \(i\) at time \(k\), and \(g_i(k)\) is its gradient, then we make an update as follows:

where the diagonal step size vector is the gradient vector squared, summered over all time steps. This can be recursively updated as follows:

The result is a per-parameter step size that adapts to the curvature of the loss function. This method was original derived for the regret minimization case, but it can be applied more generally.

Another approach to online learning is to adopt a Bayesian view. This is conceptually quite simple: we just apply Bayes rule recursively:

This has the obvious advantage of returning a posterior instead of just a point estimate. It also allows for the online adaptation of hyper-parameters, which is important since cross-validation cannot be used in an online setting. Finally, it has the advantage that it can be quicker than SGD. Note that by modeling the posterior variance of each parameter in addition to its mean, we effectively associate a different learning rate for each parameter, which is a simple way to model the curvature of the space. These variances can then be adapted using the usual rules of probability theory. By contrast, getting second-order optimization methods to work online is more tricky.

Dimension reduction

Discriminant analysis is a generative approach to classification, which requires fitting an MVN to the features. This can be problematic in high dimensions. An alternative approach is to reduce the dimensionality of the features \(x\in\mathbb{R}^D\) and then fit an MVN to the resulting low-dimensional features \(z\in\mathbb{R}^L\). The simplest approach is to use a linear projection matrix, \(z=Wx\), where \(W\) is a \(L \times D\) matrix. One approach to finding \(W\) would be to use PCA; the result would be very similar to RDA, since SVD and PCA are essentially equivalent. However, PCA is an unsupervised technique that does not take class labels into account. Thus the resulting low dimensional features are not necessarily optimal for classification. An alternative approach is to find the matrix \(W\) such that the low-dimensional data can be classified as well as possible using a Gaussian class-conditional density model. The assumption of Gaussianity is reasonable since we are computing linear combinations of (potentially non-Gaussian) features. This approach is called Fisher’s linear discriminant analysis, or FLDA.

Exponential family

A pdf or pmf \(p(x|\theta)\), for \(x=(x_1,\dots,x_m) \in \mathcal{X}^m\) and \(\theta \in \Theta \subseteq \mathbb{R}^d\), is saied to be in the exponential family if it is of the form


Here \(\theta\) are called the natural parameters or canonical parameters, \(\phi(x) \in \mathbb{R}^d\) is called a vector of sufficient statistics, \(Z(\theta)\) is called the partition function, \(A(\theta)\) is called the log partition function or cumulant function, and \(h(x)\) is a scaling constant, often \(1\). If \(\phi(x)=x\), we say it is a natural exponential family.

The equation can be generalized by writing

where \(\eta\) is a function that maps the parameters \(\theta\) to canonical parameters \(\eta=\eta(\theta)\). If \(\text{dim}(\theta) < \text{dim}(\eta(\theta))\), it is called a curved exponential family, which means we have more sufficient statistics than parameters. If \(\eta(\theta)=\theta\), the model is said to be in canonical form.

The EM algorithm

For many models in machine learning and statistics, computing the ML or MAP parameter estimate is easy provided we observe all the values of all the relevant variables, i.e., if we have complete data. However, if we have missing data and/or latent variables, then computing the ML/MAP estimate becomes hard.

One approach is to use a generic gradient-based optimizer to find a local minimum of the negative log likelihood or NLL, given by

However, we often have to enforce constraints, such as the fact that covariance matrices must be positive definite, mixing weights must sum to one, etc., which can be tricky. In such cases, it is often much simpler (but not always faster) to use an algorithm called expectation maximization, or EM for short. This is a simple iterative algorithm, often with closed-form updates at each step. Furthermore, the algorithm automatically enforce the required constraints.

EM exploits the fact that if the data were fully observed, then the ML/MAP estimate would be easy to compute. In particular, EM is an iterative algorithm which alternates between inferring the missing values given the parameters (E step), and then optimizing the parameters given the “filled in” data (M step).

Let \(x_i\) be the visible or observed variables in case \(i\), and let \(z_i\) be the hidden or missing variables. The goal is to maximize the log likelihood fo the observed data:

unfortunately this is hard to optimize, since the log cannot be pushed inside the sum.

EM gets around this problem as follows. Define the complete data log likelihood to be

This cannot be computed, since \(z_i\) is unknown. So let us define the expected complete data log likelihood as follows:

where \(t\) is the current iteration number. \(Q\) is called the auxiliary function. The expected is taken wrt the old parameters, \(\theta^{t-1}\), and the observed data \(D\). The goal of the E step is to compute \(Q(\theta, \theta^{t-1})\), or rather, the terms inside of it which the MLE depends on; these are known as the expected sufficient statistics or ESS. In the M step, we optimize the \(Q\) function wrt \(\theta\):

To perform MAP estimation, we modify the M step as follows:

The E step remains unchanged.

Now, let’s show that EM monotonically increases the observed data log likelihood until it reaches a local maximum (or saddle point, although such points are usually unstable).

Consider an arbitrary distribution \(q(z_i)\) over the hidden variables. The observed data log likelihood can be written as follows:

Now \(\log(u)\) is a concave function, so from Jensen’s inequality we have the following lower bound:

Let us denote this lower bound as follows:

where \(\mathbb{H}(q_i)\) is the entropy of \(q_i\).

The above argument holds for any positive distribution \(q\). Intuitively we should pick the \(q\) that yields the tightest lower bound. The lower bound is a sum over \(i\) of terms of the following form:

The \(p(x_i|\theta)\) term is independent of \(q_i\), so we can maximize the lower bound by setting \(q_i(z_i)=p(z_i|x_i,\theta)\). Of course, \(\theta\) is unknown, so instead we use \(q_i^t(z_i)=p(z_i|x_i,\theta^t)\), where \(\theta^t\) is our estimate of the parameters at iteration \(t\). This is the output of the E step.

Plugging this in to the lower bound we get

we recognize the first term as the expected complete data log likelihood. The second term is a constant wrt \(\theta\). So the M step becomes

as usual.

Now comes the punchline. Since we used \(q_i^t(z_i)=p(z_i|x_i,\theta^t)\), the KL divergence becomes zero, so \(\mathcal{L}(\theta^t,q_i)=\log p(x_i|\theta^t)\), and hence

We see that the lower bound is tight after the E step. Since the lower bound “touches” the function, maximizing the lower bound will also “push up” on the function itself. That is, the M step is guaranteed to modify the parameters so as to increase the likelihood of the observed data (unless it is already at a local maximum).

We now prove that EM monotonically increases the observed data log likelihood until it reaches a local optimum. We have

where the first inequality follows since \(Q(\theta, \cdot)\) is a lower bound on \(\mathcal{l}(\theta)\); the second inequality follows since, by definition, \(Q(\theta^{t+1},\theta^t)=\max_{\theta}Q(\theta,\theta^t)\geq Q(\theta^t, \theta^t)\).

As a consequence of this result, if you do not observe monotonic increase of the observed data log likelihood, you must have an error in your math and/or code. (If you are performing MAP estimation, you must add on the log prior term to the objective.) This is a surprisingly powerful debugging tool.

In the above, we show that the optimal thing to do in the E step is to make \(q_i\) be the exact posterior over the latent variables, \(q_i^t(z_i)=p(z_i|x_i,\theta^t)\). In this case, the lower bound on the log likelihood will be tight, so the M step will “push up” on the log-likelihood itself. However, sometimes it is computationally intractable to perform exact inference in the E step, but we may be able to perform approximate inference. If we can ensure that the E step is performing inference based on a lower bound to the likelihood, then the M step can be seen as monotonically increasing this lower bound. This is called variational EM.

Sometimes we can perform the E step exactly, but we cannot perform the M step exactly. However, we can still monotonically increase the log likelihood by performing a “partial” M step, in which we merely increase the expected complete data log likelihood, rather than maximizing it. For example, we might follow a few gradient steps. This is called the generalized EM or GEM algorithm. (This is an unfortunate term, since there are many ways to generalize EM.)

Consider latent variable models of the form \(z_i \rightarrow x_i \leftarrow \theta\). This includes mixtures models, PCA, HMMs, etc. There are now two kinds of unknowns: parameters \(\theta\), and latent variables, \(z_i\). It is common to fit such models using EM, where in the E step we infer the posterior over the latent variables, \(p(z_i|x_i,\theta)\), and in the M step, we compute a point estimate of the parameters, \(\theta\). The justification for this is two-fold. First, it results in simple algorithms. Second, the posterior uncertainty in \(\theta\) is usually less than in \(z_i\), since the \(\theta\) are informed by all \(N\) data cases, whereas \(z_i\) is only informed by \(x_i\); this makes a MAP estimate of \(\theta\) more reasonable than a MAP estimate of \(z_i\).

However, VB provides a way to be “more Bayesian”, by modeling uncertainty in the parameters \(\theta\) as well in the latent variables \(z_i\), at a computational cost that is essentially the same as EM. This method is known as variational Bayes EM or VBEM. The basic idea is to use mean field, where the approximate posterior has the form

The first factorization, between \(\theta\) and \(z\), is a crucial assumption to make the algorithm tractable. The second factorization follows from the model, since the latent variables are iid conditional on \(\theta\).

In VBEM, we alternate between updating \(q(z_i|D)\) (the variational E step) and updating \(q(\theta|D)\) (the variational M step). We can recover standart EM from VBEM by approximating the parameter posterior using a delta function, \(q(\theta|D)\approx\delta_{\hat{\theta}}(\theta)\).

The variational E step is simialr to a standart E step, except instead of plugging in a MAP estimate of the parameters and computing \(p(z_i|D,\hat{\theta})\), we need to average over the paramters. Roughly speaking, this can be computed by plugging in the posterior mean of the parameters instead of the MAP estimate, and then computing \(p(z_i|D,\hat{\theta})\) using standard algorithms, such as forwards-backwards. Unfortunately, things are not quite this simple, but this is the basic idea. The details depend on the from of the models.

The variational M step is similar to a standard M step, except instead of computing a point estimate of the parameters, we update the hyper-parameters, using the expected sufficient statistics. This process is usually very similar to MAP estimation in regular EM. Again, the details on how to do this depend on the form of the model.

The principle advantage of VBEM over regular EM is that by marginalizing out the parameters, we can compute a lower bound on the marginal likelihood, which can be used for model selection. VBEM is also “egalitarian”, since it treats parameters as “first class citizens”, just like any other unknown quantity, whereas EM makes an artificial distinction between parameters and latent variables.

The mean field methods, at least of the fully-factorized variety, are all very similar: just compute each node’s full conditional, and average out the neighbors. This is very similar to Gibbs sampling, except the derivation of the equations is usually a bit more work. Fortunately it is possible to derive a general purpose set of udpate equations that work for any DGM for which all CPDs are in the exponential family, and for which all parent nodes have conjugate distributions. One can then sweep over the graph, updating nodes one at a time, in a manner similar to Gibbs sampling. This is known as variational message passing or VMP, and has been implemented in the open-source program VIBES. This is a VB analog to BUGS, which is a popular generic program for Gibbs sampling.

VMP/mean field is best-suited to inference where one or more of the hidden nodes are continuous. For models where all the hidden nodes are discrete, more accurate approximate inference algorithms can be used.