In the previous post The inclusion exclusion principle, we learn about the inclusion exclusion principle. The matching problem is an application for the inclusion exclusion principle.

Suppose we have a group of cards and shuffle them randomly, what is the probability for the cards staying in the same positions as before the shuffling?

There are many colorful descriptions for similar problems:

  • Suppose that \(n\) male-female couples are at a party and that the males and females are randomly paired for a dance. A match occurs if a couple happens to be paired together.
  • An absent-minded secretary prepares \(n\) letters and envelopes to send to \(n\) different people, but then randomly stuffs the letters into the envelopes. A match occurs if a letter is inserted in the proper envelope.
  • \(n\) people with hats have had a bit too much to drink at a party. As they leave the party, each person randomly grabs a hat. A match occurs if a person gets his or her own hat.


Consider the set \(S = {1, 2, \cdots, n}\). The matching problem corresponds to the random selection of all the points in \(S\) without replacement. The random selection of points of the entire set \(S\) results in ordered samples \((Y_1, Y_2, \cdots, Y_n)\) where each \(Y_i \in S\) and \(Y_i \neq Y_j\) for \(i \neq j\). These ordered samples are precisely the permutations of the set \(S\) and there are \(n!\) such permutations.

A match occurs when some element \(i \in S\) is selected in the \(i^{th}\) pick. In the card example, the \(i^{th}\) card is a match when the card that is numbered \(i\) is in the \(i^{th}\) position in the shuffled deck \((Y_i = i)\).

For each \(i \in S\), we define the following indicator variable \(I_i\):

Furthermore, let \(X_n = I_1 + I_2 + \cdots + I_n\). The random variable \(X_n\) is the number of matches when a deck of \(n\) cards (numbered \(1\) through \(n\)) are shuffled.

For each \(i\) in \(S = {1, 2, \cdots, n}\), let \(A_i\) be the event that the \(i^{th}\) card is a match. The event \(A_1 \cup \cdots \cup A_n\) is the event that there is at least one match in the deck of \(n\) shuffled cards.

So the number of possible cases of at least one match is that:


Each value \(A_{i(1)} \cap \cdots \cap A_{i(m)}\) represents there being at least \(m\) matches. Note that the number of shuffles with at least \(m\) matches only depends on \(m\), not on the particular values of \(i(m)\). Thus there are \({n \choose m}\) equal terms in the \(m^{th}\) summation.

\(\lvert A_{1} \cap \cdots \cap A_{m} \lvert\) is the number of orderings having \(m\) specific matches, which is equal to the number of ways of ordering the remaining \(n − m\) elements, which is \((n − m)!\).

Finally, we get


So that the probability for having no matches is

The probability for having exact one match is derived with fixing one card with the other \(n - 1\) cards with no matches, and there are \({n \choose 1}\) choices for fixing cards. So the probability is

The probability for having exact \(k\) matches is

Note that \(P(X_n = n - 1) = 0\), it’s impossible to have exact \(n - 1\) matches leaving exact one card unmatched.

On the other hand \(P(X_n = n) = \frac{1}{n!}\), since there is only one case out of \(n!\) permutation where all cards are matched.

Relationship with Poisson Distribution

The probability of no matches among \(n\) cards is the Taylor expansion of \(e^{-1}\). Thus the probability of no matches in a shuffled deck of \(n\) cards when \(n\) is large is about \(0.3678794412\) and the probability of at least one match is approximately \(0.6321205588\).

The density function \(P(X_n=k)\) converges to the Poisson distribution with parameter \(\lambda = 1\), which is \(\frac{e^{-1}}{k!}\), and the convergence occurs rapidly.


Since \(P(X_n=k)\) converges to the Poisson distribution with parameter \(\lambda=1\), we might guess that the mean and variance of \(X_n\) approach \(\lambda=1\).

Recall that \(X_n = I_1 + I_2 + \cdots + I_n\) where for each \(j = 1, 2, \cdots, n\), \(I_j\) is an indicator variable:

The event \((I_j = 1)\) is the event \(A_j\), and there are \((n - 1)!\) cases for \(j^{th}\) card is a match among \(n!\) permutations. So we have

The event \((I_i = 1, I_j = 1)\) is the event \(A_i \cap A_j\), and \(\lvert A_i \cap A_j \lvert = (n - 2)!\). So we have the probability that both the \(i^{th}\) card and the \(j^{th}\) card are matches is

It follows that for all \(j = 1, 2, \cdots, n\), \(I_j\) has the Bernoulli distribution with probability of success \(P(I_j = 1) = \frac{1}{n}\). So the mean and variance are

Then we can calculate the mean of \(X_n\) as

In order to calculate the variance of \(X_n\), we need first to calculate the covariance:

Now we calculate the variance of \(X_n\) as


Following link contains view of point on sampling.