The collaborative filtering is a commonly used model in recommendation systems. Suppose we have a bunch of goods and a group of users who have rated some of the goods, we want to infer the ratings a user will rate on the goods that have not yet been rated on.

Following is the notation, suppose we have \(n\) users \(\mathcal{U} = \{u\}^n\), \(m\) items \(\mathcal{I} = \{i\}^m\), and \(\{r_{ui}\}\) are non-negative numbers which denotes the observations of the ratings user \(u\) give item \(i\), we want to infer the value of \(\{\hat{r}_{ui}\}\) that have not been observed yet.

Neighborhood models

Here I will introduce two kinds of neighborhood models: user to user / item to item models, and content based models.

user to user / item to item

This sort of algorithms are based on the assumption that users with similar rating behaviour are more likely to rate the same score on a certain item, or similar items will have similar ratings on the other side, where the former one is called the user-oriented approach and the latter one is called the item-oriented approach.

For the user-oriented approach, based on the previously observed ratings behaviour of the users, the similarity \(s_{uv}\) between user \(u\) and user \(v\) can be calculated. To infer the unobserved rating \(\hat{r}_{ui}\), we first find the \(k\) closest users \(\mathcal{S}^k(u; i)\) to the user \(u\) who had previously rated on item \(i\), then the rating \(\hat{r}_{ui}\) is calculated as:

where \(\Phi = \sum_{v \in \mathcal{S}^k(u; i)}s_{uv}\) is the normalization factor.

Similarly for item-oriented approach, with the similarity \(s_{ij}\) between item \(i\) and item \(j\) calculated based on the ratings of the commond set of users all of whom have rated them, in order to infer the rating \(\hat{r}_{ui}\), we have the neighbor set \(\mathcal{S}^k(u; i)\) with \(k\) nearest items to item \(i\) rated by user \(u\), where the similarity is most commonly obtained by the Pearson coefficient. (For more details on similarity matrices, view notes on similarity matrices.) The rating is

where \(\Phi = \sum_{j \in \mathcal{S}^k(u; i)}s_{ij}\) is the normalization factor.

I remember that in the early version of the implementation of mahout, it uses this kind of models for collaborative filtering.

content based models

The content based models are similar to the item-oriented approaches, the difference is that in the content models the similarities between items are calculated by the profiles or the attributions of the items.

It might also make sense to build a content based model based the user-profiles.

After obtaining the similarities between items/users, we apply similar formulae to estimate the ratings from a set of nearest items/users’ ratings.

Latent factor model

There are many kinds of latent factor models: pLSA, Latent Dirichlet Allocation, SVD and so on.

In this post, the matrix factorization approach will be discussed, specifically the SVD.

In this approach, each user \(u\) is associated with a user vector \(\boldsymbol{x_{u}}\) and each item \(i\) is associated with an item vector \(\boldsymbol{y_{i}}\), then the rating made by user \(u\) on item \(i\) is as \(r_{ui} = \boldsymbol{x}_u^T\boldsymbol{y}_i\). (NOTE: It seems that in this approach only positive numbers are valid observed ratings.)

Then we can build up the following objective function:

where \(\lambda\) is the regularization factor.

Implicit feedback latent factor model

In the above approach, it only utilizes the explicit feedback made by the users, while in this approach, the implicit feedback information is used as well.

In the following, two kinds of implicit feedback latent factor models will be discussed.

Unknown name model

I forget the name of the model. Let’s just simply step on.

First introduce the indicator \(p_{ui}\) indicating the preference of user \(u\) to item \(i\)

And introduce the variable \(c_{ui}\) indicating the conference in observing \(p_{ui}\)

where \(\alpha\) is the constant rate of the increase with rating. As we observe more evidence for preference, our conference in \(p_{ui}\) increases accordingly. Now the objective function is built up as

where \(\lambda\) is the normalization factor. Here the objective function involves all pairs of \(u\) and \(i\) instead of only the observed ratings. That is because this algorithm aims to model both the implicit feedback and explicit feedback, which implies that a lack of feedback does not mean the user have no preference in the item for example the item is just too expansive to afford and an appearance of positive feedback does not mean the user really have a positive preference in the item as the user may choose the item as a gift for someone else or choose the item by coincidence.


This is an variation of SVD based models, in which it includes the effect of the implicit information as opposed to \(\boldsymbol{x}_u\) that only includes the effect of the explicit one. It assumes that a user rates an item is in itself an indication of preference. In other words, chances that the user likes an item he/she has rated are higher than for a random not-rated item.

The objective function is similar to that of SVD apporach:

NOTE: In all the above three models, no negative feedback is allowed. (Maybe negative feedback makes sense in the neighborhood models.)

Alternating least squares

For the objective function of the implicit feedback latent factor model, we can see that when we fix either the user factors or the item factors, the objective function becomes quadratic. Alternating between the re-computing of user factors and item factors, each step is guaranteed to lower the value of the cost function. This process is call the alternating least squares, it is also used for explicit feedback latent factor model.

First fix \(\boldsymbol{y}_i\), solving for \(\boldsymbol{x}_u\):

Similar for \(\boldsymbol{y}_i\), we have:

where \(C^*\)’s are diagonal matrices with \(C^u_{ii} = c_{ui}\) and \(C^i_{uu} = c_{ui}\), and \(\boldsymbol{p}_*\) are vectors. Using the above two equations repeatedly alternatively until convergence, we will come to the solution.

Make prediction

After solving the implicit feedback latent factor model, we can make prediction as

where \(s_{ij}^u = \boldsymbol{y}_i^TW^u\boldsymbol{y}_u\) is the weighted similarity between item \(i\) and item \(j\) from the user \(u\)’s viewpoint, and \(W^u = (Y^TC^uY + \lambda I)^{-1}\) is the weighted matrix associated with user \(u\).