Eligibility traces

n-step TD methods generalize both MC methods and one-step TD methods so that one can shift from one to the other smoothly as needed to meet the demands of a particular task. The idea of n-step methods is usually used as an introduction to the algorithmic idea of eligibility traces.

n-step TD prediction

Methods in which the temporal difference extends over n steps are called n-step TD methods. n-step TD for estimating is

The error reduction property of n-step returns ensures the convergence to the correct prediction of n-step TD methods under appropriate technical conditions.

n-step SARSA

n-step off-policy learning via importance sampling

Off-policy learning without importance sampling: the n-step tree backup algorithm

A unifying algorithm: n-step

Consider three kinds of action-value algorithms: n-step SARSA has all sample transitions, the tree-backup algorithm has all state-to-action transitions fully branched without sampling, and n-step Expected SARSA has all sample transitions except for the last state-to-action one, which is fully branched with an expected value.

The n-step unifies them:

Planning and Learning

The model-based reinforcement learning methods, such as dynamic programming and heuristic search, require a model of the environment. The model-free reinforcement learning methods, such as Monte Carlo and temporal-difference methods, can be used without a model. Model-based methods rely on planning as their primary component, while model-free methods primarily rely on learning.

Models and planning

By a model of the environment we mean anything an agent can use to predict how the environment will respond to its actions. If the model is stochastic, then there are several possible next states and next rewards, each with some probability of occurring. Some models produce a description of all possibilities and their probabilities; these we call distribution models. Other models produce just one of the possibilities, sampled according to the probabilities; these we call sample models.

In artificial intelligence, there are two distinct approaches to planning. State-space planning is viewed primarily as a search through the state space for an optimal policy or an optimal path to a goal. Actions cause transitions from state to state, and value functions are computed over states. In plan-space planning, planning is instead a search through the space of plans. Operators transform one plan into another, and value functions, if any, are defined over the space of plans. Plan-space planning includes evolutionary methods and partial-order planning, a common kind of planning in artificial intelligence in which the ordering of steps is not completely determined at all stages of planning.

All state-space planning methods share a common structure: 1) all state-space planning methods involve computing value functions as a key intermediate step toward improving the policy, and 2) they compute value functions by updates or backup operations applied to simulated experience.

The heart of both learning and planning methods is the estimation of value functions by backing-up update operations. The difference is that whereas planning uses simulated experience generated by a model, learning methods use real experience generated by the environment.

DYNA: Integrating planning, acting and learning

When planning is done on-line, while interacting with the environment, new information gained from the interaction may change the model and thereby interact with planning. DYNA-Q is a simple architecture integrating the major functions needed in an on-line planning agent.

Dyna-Q includes all of the processes, acting, model-learning, and direct RL—all occurring continuously. The planning method is the random-sample one-step tabular Q-planning method. The direct RL method is one-step tabular Q-learning. The model-learning method is also table-based and assumes the environment is deterministic. After each transition , the model records in its table entry for the prediction that will deterministically follow. Thus, if the model is queried with a state–action pair that has been experienced before, it simply returns the last-observed next state and next reward as its prediction. During planning, the Q-planning algorithm randomly samples only from state–action pairs that have previously been experienced (in Step 1), so the model is never queried with a pair about which it has no information.

In DYNA-Q, learning and planning are accomplished by exactly the same algorithm, operating on real experience for learning and on simulated experience for planning. Because planning proceeds incrementally, it is trivial to intermix planning and acting. Both proceed as fast as they can. The agent is always reactive and always deliberative, responding instantly to the latest sensory information and yet always planning in the background. Also ongoing in the background is the model-learning process. As new information is gained, the model is updated to better match reality. As the model changes, the ongoing planning process will gradually compute a different way of behaving to match the new model.

Expected vs sample updates

For one-step value-function updates, they vary primarily along three binary dimensions. The first two dimensions are whether they update state values or action values and whether they estimate the value for the optimal policy or for an arbitrary given policy. These two dimensions give rise to four classes of updates for approximating the four value functions, , , , and . The other binary dimension is whether the updates are expected updates, considering all possible events that might happen, or sample updates, considering a single sample of what might happen. These three binary dimensioins given rise to eight cases, seven of which correspond to specific algorithms.

The DYNA-Q agents use sample udpates, but they could just as well use expected updates, or either expected or sample updates. The DYNA-AC system uses sample updates together with a learning policy structure. For stochastic problems, prioritized sweeping is always done using one of the expected udpates.

In the absence of a distribution model, expected updates are not possible, but sample updates can be done using sample transitions from the environment or a sample model. Expected updates certainly yield a better estimate because they are uncorrupted by sampling error, but they also require more computation, and computation is often the limiting resource in planning.

The classical state-space planning methods in artificial intelligence are decision-time planning methods collectively known as heuristic search. In heuristic search, for each state encountered, a large tree of possible continuations is considered. The approximate value function is applied to the leaf nodes and then backed up toward the current state at the root. The backing up within the search tree is just the same as in the expected updates with maxes (those for and ). The backing up stops at the state–action nodes for the current state. Once the backed-up values of these nodes are computed, the best of them is chosen as the current action, and then all backed-up values are discarded.

We may save the backed-up values to change the approximate value function. In fact, the value function is generally designed by people and never changed as a result of search. However, it is natural to consider allowing the value function to be improved over time, using either the backed-up values computed during heuristic search or greedy, , and UCB action-selection methods.

The point of searching deeper than one step is to obtain better action selections. If one has a perfect model and an imperfect action-value function, then in fact deeper search will usually yield better policies. On the other hand, the deeper the search, the more computation is required, usually resulting in a slower response time. A good example is provided by Tesauro’s grandmaster-level backgammon player, TD-Gammon.

We should not overlook the most obvious way in which heuristic search focuses updates: on the current state. Much of the effectiveness of heuristic search is due to its search tree being tightly focused on the states and actions that might immediately follow the current state.

The distribution of updates can be altered in similar ways to focus on the current state and its likely successors. As a limiting case we might use exactly the methods of heuristic search to construct a search tree, and then perform the individual, one-step updates from bottom up. The performance improvement observed with deeper searches is not due to the use of multistep updates as such. Instead, it is due to the focus and concentration of updates on states and actions immediately downstream from the current state.

Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) is a recent and strikingly successful example of decision-time planning. At is base, MCTS is a rollout algorithm, but enhanced by the addition of a means for accumulating value estimates obtained from the Monte Carlo simulations in order to successively direct simulations toward more highly-rewarding trajectories.

MCTS is executed after encountering each new state to select the agent’s action for that state; it is executed again to select the action for the next state, and so on. As in a rollout algorithm, each execution is an iterative process that simulates many trajectories starting from the current state and running to a terminal state (or until discounting makes any further reward negligible as a contribution to the return). The core idea of MCTS is to successively focus multiple simulations starting at the current state by extending the initial portions of trajectories that have received high evaluations from earlier simulations. MCTS does not have to retain approximate value functions or policies from one action selection to the next, though in many implementations it retains selected action values likely to be useful for its next execution.

For the most part, the actions in the simulated trajectories are generated using a simple policy, usually called a rollout policy as it is for simpler rollout algorithms. As in any tabular Monte Carlo method, the value of a state–action pair is estimated as the average of the (simulated) returns from that pair. Monte Carlo value estimates are maintained only for the subset of state–action pairs that are most likely to be reached in a few steps, which form a tree rooted at the current state. MCTS incrementally extends the tree by adding nodes representing states that look promising based on the results of the simulated trajectories. Any simulated trajectory will pass through the tree and then exit it at some leaf node. Outside the tree and at the leaf nodes the rollout policy is used for action selections, but at the states inside the tree something better is possible. For these states we have value estimates for of at least some of the actions, so we can pick among them using an informed policy, called the tree policy, that balances exploration and exploitation.

In each iteration of a basic version of MCTS

  1. Selection. Starting at the root node, a tree policy based on the action values attached to the edges of the tree traverses the tree to select a leaf node.

  2. Expansion. On some iterations (depending on details of the application), the tree is expanded from the selected leaf node by adding one or more child nodes reached from the selected node via unexplored actions.

  3. Simulation. From the selected node, or from one of its newly-added child nodes (if any), simulation of a complete episode is run with actions selected by the rollout policy. The result is a Monte Carlo trial with actions selected first by the tree policy and beyond the tree by the rollout policy.

  4. Backup. The return generated by the simulated episode is backed up to update, or to initialize, the action values attached to the edges of the tree traversed by the tree policy in this iteration of MCTS. No values are saved for the states and actions visited by the rollout policy beyond the tree.

MCTS continues executing these four steps, starting each time at the tree’s root node, until no more time is left, or some other computational resource is exhausted. Then, finally, an action from the root node (which still represents the current state of the environment) is selected according to some mechanism that depends on the accumulated statistics in the tree; for example, it may be an action having the largest action value of all the actions available from the root state, or perhaps the action with the largest visit count to avoid selecting outliers. After the environment transitions to a new state, MCTS is run again, sometimes starting with a tree of a single root node representing the new state, but often starting with a tree containing any descendants of this node left over from the tree constructed by the previous execution of MCTS; all the remaining nodes are discarded, along with the action values associated with them.


Bootstrapping in RL