Factorization machines can be viewed as an extension to the linear regression model.
Suppose we have a bunch of features for each user and item, we want to find out the rating a user will give to an item. We can build a linear model:
The drawback of the above model is that the model only learned the effect of features individually rather than in combination. So we supplement the linear model with an additional term to model pairwise feature interactions.
The \(\omega_{ij}\)s are the factorized interaction parameters.
Now the size of the model is \(O(n^2)\), which implies a large amount of memory and
computation complexity. And the dataset might be too sparse to learn all the weights
reliably. FM models pairwise feature interactions as the inner product of low dimensional
vectors, the approach is called the kernel trick
where \(V \in R^{n\times k}\). Thus the size of the model becomes \(O(kn)\).
But the computation appears to require \(O(kn^2)\). By rewriting the nonlinear term:
Now we can solve the objective function efficiently with \(O(kn)\). The objective function with ridge is:
where \(\theta_i\) denotes the parameters \(\omega_i\) and \(v_{ij}\).
We can easily obtain the optimal with stochastic gradient descent.