Linear regression

Suppose we have a set of data \(\mathbb{D} = \{(\boldsymbol{x}_i, y_i)\}_{i = 1}^m\), where \(\boldsymbol{x}_i \in \mathbb{R}^n\) is the feature vector and \(y_i \in \mathbb{R}^1\) is the label, the regression with hypothesis \(h_{\boldsymbol{\omega}, b}\) is like:

which can be viewed as a mapping from \(\mathbb{R}^n\) to \(\mathbb{R}^1\).

Least Squares Regression

To evaluate the goodness of the mapping, the squared loss of each element \({\boldsymbol{x^{(i)}}, y^{(i)}}\) is defined as:

Let’s define \(\boldsymbol{\theta} = \bigg(\begin{matrix}b\\ \boldsymbol{\omega}\end{matrix}\bigg)\), and for each element \({\boldsymbol{x^{(i)}}, y^{(i)}}\) we add one dimension to \(\boldsymbol{x^{(i)}}\) as \(\bigg(\begin{matrix}1\\ \boldsymbol{x}^{(i)}\end{matrix}\bigg)\), then the hypothesis becomes

and the loss function becomes

And the gradient with respect to \(\boldsymbol{\theta}\) is like


Sometimes in order to reduce the complexity of the model or shrink the dimension of \(\boldsymbol{\theta}\), we will apply regularization to the loss function as

There are three commonly used regularizers: L2, L1, and Elastic Net.

For the parameter \(\boldsymbol{\theta}\), the L2 regularizer, also known as ridge loss, is like:

And the gradient function is like:

The main usage for L2 regularizer is to reduce the model complexity as the L2 regularizer is apt to add more penalty on those \(\theta_i\) with larger value, so as to avoid overfitting.

While, the L1 regularizer, the Lasso, is like:

And since it’s not fully differentiable at every point, we use the sub-gradient function:

Different from the L2 regularizer, the L1 regularizer adds more penalty on those \(\theta_i\) whose value is close to \(0\) and is used for feature selection in sparse feature spaces.

The Elastic Net regularizer is the combination of L2 and L1:

As a result, the sub-gradient function is:

And thanks to the fact that the gradient/sub-gradient is additive, the regularizer is easy to be applied in the process of computing optimum in SGD or L-BFGS.

More on Ridge regression

Ridge is developed based on the idea on constrained minimization:

And by the Lagrange Multiplier Method, the problem can be transformed into following one:

The above problem can also be expressed in matrix notation:

And the solution is obtained at the point with zero differential value:

The original least squares solution is unbiased, while the solution of the ridge is biased. On the other side, the ridge reduces the variance, which may help reduce the MSE, since \(\text{MSE} = \text{Bias}^2 + \text{Variance}\). And the ridge solution is non-sparse.

More on Lasso regression

Similar for Lasso, instead of Euclidean norm, we use L1 norm in the constrained minimization:

And by Lagrange Multiplier Method, we get:

Unlike Ridge, Lasso loss function is not quadratic, but it’s still convex. The solution of Lasso is sparse.

Problem with multicollinearity

When the feature vector is not of full rank, which means some of them are correlated, the linear combination of some other features, we will suffer from the multicollinearity. For the least squares loss, we can’t get the solution via the matrix notation, since the \(\boldsymbol{X}^T\boldsymbol{X}\) is not invertible. As a result, the value of \(\boldsymbol{\theta}\) is not identifiable. In this case, we can use Ridge to ensure the intertibility of \(\boldsymbol{X}^T\boldsymbol{X} + \lambda\boldsymbol{I}\).

The goodness of the fit of linear regression

In statistics, the coefficient of determination, denoted \(\mathrm{R}^2\) or \(\mathrm{r}^2\), is a number that indicates the proportion of the variance in the dependent variable that is predictable from the independent variable.

  • For simple linear regression, \(\mathrm{R}^2\) is the square of the sample correlation \(r_{xy}\).
  • For multiple linear regression with intercept(which includes simple linear regression), it is defined as \(\mathrm{R}^2 = \frac{\text{SSM}}{\text{SST}}\).

In either case, \(\mathrm{R}^2\) indicates the proportion of variation in the y-variable that is due to variation in the x-variables. Many researchers prefer the adjusted \(\hat{\mathrm{R}}^2\) instead, which is penalized for having a large number of parameters in the model:

As \(\mathrm{R}^2\) is defined as \(1 - \frac{\text{SSE}}{\text{SST}}\) or \(1 - \mathrm{R}^2 = \frac{\text{SSE}}{\text{SST}}\). To take into account the number of regression parameters \(p\), define the adjusted \(\hat{\mathrm{R}}^2\) value as

where \(\text{MSE} = \frac{\text{SSE}}{\text{DFE}} = \frac{\text{SSE}}{n-p}\) and \(\text{MST} = \frac{\text{SST}}{\text{DFT}} = \frac{\text{SST}}{n-1}\). Thus,


In linear least squares regression with an estimated intercept term, \(\mathrm{R}^2\) equals the square of the Pearson correlation coefficient between the observed and modeled (predicted) data values of the dependent variable. Specifically, \(\mathrm{R}^2\) equals the squared Pearson correlation coefficient of the dependent and explanatory variable in an univariate linear least squares regression.

Under more general modeling conditions, where the predicted values might be generated from a model different from linear least squares regression, an R2 value can be calculated as the square of the correlation coefficient between the original and modeled data values. In this case, the value is not directly a measure of how good the modeled values are, but rather a measure of how good a predictor might be constructed from the modeled values (by creating a revised predictor of the form \(\alpha + \beta f_i\)).

Note: here is the revisit on this topic.