
Use sort as follows:

sort [options] -k<field_start[type][,field_end[type]]> [...] <input-source>

The field_start denotes the start column to sort by, and the optional field_end denotes the end column to sort by. If there is no -k, then it’s sorted on the entire line. type is a subset of options. All options are like:

  • n: denotes to treat as number
  • r: denotes to sort in reverse order
  • s: denotes to sort stably
  • f: denotes to sort case insensitively
  • b: denotes to ignore blank
  • o: denotes the output file
  • u: denotes the uniq
  • t: denotes the separator
  • R: denotes to sort randomly
  • c: check if sorted
  • m: merge sorted inputs

If multiple <input-source>s are provided, the output will be the merged sorted result.


It works only when the duplicate lines are adjacent.

uniq [options] <input-source>

The options are like:

  • c: count the duplicates
  • d: print only duplicates
  • D: print duplicates all occurrences
  • u: print only uniqs
  • w <num>: compare with <num> limited first characters
  • s <num>: skip comparing with first <num> characters
  • f <num>: avoid comparing with first <num> fields


It reads standard input and writes it to both standard output and files.

tee [options] <file> [...]

The options are like:

  • a: append mode
  • i: ignore interrupt