(Originally proposed) typeclass in Haskell

The original model of typeclass consists of single parameter typeclass, which enables the definition of ad-hoc overloaded functions. A typeclass declaration consists of a class name, a type parameter, and a set of method declarations. Each of the methods in the typeclass declaration should have at least one occurrence of the type parameter in their signature.

Think type parameter as self

If we think of the type parameter in the typeclass declaration as the equivalent of the self argument in an OO language, we can see that a few different types of methods can be modeled:

  • Consumer methods like show are the closest o typical OO methods. They take one argument of type a, and using that argument they produce some result.
class Show a where
  show :: a -> String
  • Binary methods like < can take two arguments of type a, and produce some result. And different from OO language, typeclass binary method arguments are only statically dispatched, and not dynamically dispatched.
class Ord a where
  (<) :: a -> a -> Bool
  • Factory methods like read return a value of type a instead of consuming values of type a. In OO language, factory methods can be dealt with in different ways (for example, by using static methods).
class Read a where
  read :: String -> a

One Instance One Type

A characteristic of typeclass is that only one instance is allowed for a given type.

Extended typeclass

Multiple parameter typeclass

An extension to the originally proposed typeclass is to lift the restriction of a single type parameter:

class Coerce a b where
  coerce :: a -> b

instance Coerce Char Int where
  coerce = ord

Overlapping instances

Another extension of typeclass is to allow instances to overlap, as long as there is a most specific one.

instance Ord a => Ord [a] where ...

instance Ord [Int] where ...

Despite two possible matches for [Int], the compiler is able to make an unambiguous decision to which of there instances to pick by selecting the most specific one.

Implicits in Scala

Scala automates type-driven selection of values with the implicit keyword. A method call may omit the final argument list if the method definition annotated that list with implicit keyword, and if, for each argument in that list, there is exactly one value of the right type in the implicit scope, which roughly means that it must be accessible without a prefix.

Implicit propagation

The arguments in an implicit argument list are part of the implicit scope, so that implicit arguments are propagated naturally.

import java.io.PrintStream

implicit val out = System.out

def log(msg: String)(implicit o: PrintStream) = o println msg

def logT(msg: String)(implicit o: PrintStream): Unit = log(s"[${new java.util.Date()}]$msg")

In the above example, logT’s implicit argument o is propagated to the call to log.

Partially applied implicit argument list

The implicit argument list must be the last argument list and it may either be omitted or supplied in its entirety. There is a simple idiom to encode a wildcard for an implicit argument.

def logPrefix(msg: String)(implicit o: PrintStream, prefix: String): Unit = log(s"[$prefix]$msg")

def ?[T](implicit w: T): T = w

With the definition of the polymorphic method ?, which looks up an implicit value of type T in the implicit scope, we can write something as:

logPrefix("some message")(?, new java.util.Date().toString)

where we omit he value for the output stream, while provide an explicit value for the prefix. Type inference and implicit search will turn the call ? into ?[PrintStream](out), assuming out is in the implicit scope as before.

Implicit scope

When looking for an implicit value of type T, the compiler will consider implicit value definitions (definitions introduced by implicit val, implicit object, or implicit def), as well as implicit arguments that have type T and that are in scope locally (accessible without prefix) where the implicit value is required. Additionally, it will consider implicit values of type T that are defined in the types that are part of the type T, as well as in the companion objects of the base classes of these parts. The set of parts of a type T is determined as follows:

  • for a compound type T1 with … with Tn, the union of the parts of Ti, and T,
  • for a parameterized type S[T1,...,Tn], the union of the parts of S and the parts of Ti,
  • for a singleton type p.type, the parts of the type of p,
  • for a type projection S#U, the parts of S as well as S#U itself,
  • in all other cases, just T itself.

For more detailed discussions on this topic, follow these links: implicit scope, implicit parameter precedence, and implicit parameter precedence again.

Implicits as typeclasses

Implicits provide the type-driven selection mechanism that was missing for type class programming to be convenient in OO. The Ord typeclass and the OrdPair typeclass for tuple is like:

trait Ord[T] {
  def compare (x:T,y:T):Boolean

implicit def OrdPair[A,B](implicit ordA:Ord[A],ordB:Ord[B]) = new Ord[(A,B)] {
  def compare (xs:(A,B),ys:(A,B)) = ???

Different from Haskell, type class instances are named, so that the programmer may supply them explicitly to resolve ambiguities manually.

The cmp function is rendered as the following method:

def cmp[a](x:a,y:a)(implicit ord:Ord[a]):Boolean = ord.compare (x,y)

This common type of implicit argument can be abbreviated using context bounds:

def cmp[a:Ord](x:a,y:a):Boolean = ?[Ord[a]].compare (x,y)

Since we do not have a name for the type class instance anymore, we use the ? method to retrieve the implicit value for the type Ord[a].

We can further use implicit conversion to enable idiomatic style x.compare(y).

The CONCEPT pattern

The CONCEPT pattern of Scala is inspired by the basic Haskell typeclass and C++ concepts. This pattern can be used in any OO language that supports generics, with implicits it becomes syntactically neat.

The CONCEPT pattern aims at representing the generic programming notion of concepts as conventional OO interfaces with generics. CONCEPT describes a set of requirements for the type parameters used by generic algorithms.

The CONCEPT pattern can model n-ary, factory and consumer methods just like typeclass. Following are examples for typeclasses Show, Read and Coerce:

trait Show[T]{
  def show(x: T): String

trait Read[T]{
  def read(x: String): T

trait Coerce[A, B]{
  def coerce(x: A): B

Benefits of the CONCEPT pattern:

  • Retroactive modeling: it allows mimicking the addition of a method to a class without having to modify the original class.
  • Multiple method implementations: it is possible to have multiple implementations of conceptual methods for the same type.
  • Binary (n-ary) methods: it can have multiple arguments of the manipulated type. Thus a simple form of type-safe statically dispatched n-ary methods is possible.
  • Factory methods: it doesn’t need an actual instance of the modeled type.

Limitations and Alternatives:

  • All arguments of conceptual methods are statically dispatched. Thus conceptual methods are less expressive than conventional OO methods, which allow the self-argument to be dynamically dispatched, or multi-methods, in which all arguments are dynamically dispatched.
  • Bounded polymorphism offers an alternative to typeclass-style concepts. The main advantage of this approach is that compare in following example is a real, dynamically dispatched, method of Apple, and all the private infromation about Apple objects is available. But it precludes retroactive modeling and makes it harder to support multiple implementations of a method for the same object.
traid Ord[T]{
  def compare(x: T): Boolean

class Apple(x: Int) extends Ord[Apple] ...

The above is partial of the paper Type Classes as Objects and Implicits.