Haskell is strong typing and static typing. Static typing means that the types are known to the compiler and checked for mismatches, or type errors, at compile time.

In Haskell there are six categories of entities that have names.

  • First, there are variables and data constructors which exist at the term-level. The term-level is where the values live and is the code that executes when the program is running.
  • At the type-level, which is used during the static analysis and verification of the program, we have type variables, type constructors, and typeclasses.
  • Lastly, for the purpose of organizing code into coherent groupings across different files, we have modules which have names as well.


A type or datatype is a classification of values or data. Types in Haskell determine what values are members of it or inhabit it. Unlike in other languages, datatype in Haskell by default does not delimit the operations that can be performed on that data.

Haskell offers sum types, product types, product types with record syntax, type aliases, and a special datatype called a newtype that offers a different set of options and constraints from either type synonyms or data declarations.

Data declaration, data

Data declarations define new datatype in Haskell. Data declarations always create a new type constructor, but may or may not create new data constructors. So, A type can be thought of as an enumeration of constructors that have zero or more arguments. Data declarations are how we refer to the entire definition that begins with the data keyword, which is used to declare a new algebraic datatype.

data Bool = True | False

data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a

Keyword data signals that what follows is a data declaration, or a declaration of a datatype. In the above example, Bool and Maybe are type constructors and True, False, Nothing, and Just are data constructors.

Type constructor

The type constructor (or type name) is the name of the datatype and is capitalized. It is used in type signatures.

Just as data declarations generate data constructors to create values that inhabit that type, data declarations generate type constructors which can be used to denote that type.

Data constructor

Data constructors are functions that create data, or values, that inhabit a particular type they are defined in. They are the values that show up at the term level instead of the type level.

Data constructors in Haskell have a type and can either be constant values (nullary) or take one or more arguments just like functions.

Constants and constructors

Although the term constructor is often used to describe all type constructors and data constructors, we can make a distinction between constants and constructors. Type and data constructors that take no arguments are constants. They can only store a fixed type and amount of data.

Arity refers to the number of arguments a function or constructor takes. A function that takes no arguments is called nullary. Constructors that take one argument are called unary. Data constructors that take more than one argument are called products.

Sum and Product, Record syntax

Datatype is algebraic, sum type and product type.

A sum type is any type that has multiple possible representations, and uses | to separate each representation. Following are definitions of sum types:

data Bool = True | False

data Either a b = Left a | Right b

A product type is the datatype whose data constructor takes more than one argument. Following is an example of definition of product type:

data People = People String Int

The most direct way to explain why they’re called sum and product is to demonstrate sum and product in terms of cardinality.

In the above examples, the sum type Bool’s cardinality is 2, which is given by 1 + 1, as the cardinality of constants True and False is 1. And the sum type Either’s cardinality is the sum of the cardinality of type variable a and type variable b. So the cardinality of a sum type is the sum of the cardinality of its inhabitants.

On the other hand, a product type’s cardinality is the product of the cardinality of its inhabitants. As a result, the cardinality of People is the product of the cardinality of String and Int. Arithmetically, products are multiplication. Where a sum type was expressing or, a product type expresses and.

There is a special syntax for declaring a product type: record syntax. Records in Haskell are product types with additional syntax to provide convenient accessors to fields within the record. For example:

data Person = Person { name :: String
                     , age :: Int
                     } deriving (Eq, Show)

let person = Person "Root" 18

name person
age person

Besides record syntax, there is also a type tuple called anonymous product. A tuple is an ordered grouping of values. A minimal tuple takes at least two arguments to construct the concrete data, so it is a product type.

All the existing algebraic rules for products and sums apply in type systems, and that includes the distributive property.

In normal arithmetic, the expression is in normal form when it’s been reduced to a final result. However, in type system, sum of products expression is in normal form, as there is no computation to perform.

In the arithmetic of calculating inhabitants of types, function type is the exponent operator. Given a function ?a −> b?, we can calculate the inhabitants with the formula ? b^?a.

Type alias

A type alias, or type synonym, is a name for a type, usually for some convenience, that has another name. It is denoted by the keyword type.

Type aliases create type constructors, not data constructors, for example:

type String = [Char]

Data declaration, newtype

The newtype is a special case of data declarations. The newtype is different in that it permits only one constructor and only one field.

For example:

newtype Radius = Radius Double

data Diameter = Diameter Double

where Diameter follows a normal data declaration, and Radius is defined by newtype.

The differences between newtype and data, type are:

  • newtype cannot be a product type, sum type, or contain nullary constructors, it can only have a single constructor taking a single argument
  • newtype introduces no runtime overhead, it reuses the representation of the type it contains, as it’s not allowed to be a record (product type) or tagged union (sum type), the difference between newtype and the type it contains is gone by the time the compiler generates the code, which is similar to a type synonym (no additional “boxing up”, newtype is like a single-member C union that avoids creating an extra pointer, but still gives a new type constructor and data constructor, so you don’t mix up things that share a single representation)
  • newtype creates a strict value constructor and type synonym creates a lazy one

In summary, reasons to use newtype:

  • Signal intent: using newtype makes it clear that you only intend for it to be a wrapper for the underlying type. The newtype cannot eventually grow into a more complicated sum or product type, while a normal datatype can.
  • Improve type safety: avoid mixing up many values of the same representation, such as Text or Integer .
  • Add different typeclass instances to a type that is otherwise unchanged representationally.

Type variable

Sometimes we need the flexibility of allowing different types or amounts of data to be stored in datatypes. For those times, type and data constructors may be parametric. When a constructor takes arguments, then it’s like a function in at least one sense – it must be fully applied to become a concrete type or value.

Type variable is a way to refer to an unspecified type or set of types in Haskell type signatures. Type variables ordinarily will be equal to themselves throughout a type signature.


Kinds are the types of types, or types one level up. We represent kinds in Haskell with * and #. Kind * is the kind of all standard lifted types, while types that have the kind # are unlifted. A lifted type, which includes any custom defined datatype, is any that can be inhabited by bottom. Lifted types are represented by a pointer. Unlifted types are any type which cannot be inhabited by bottom. Types of kind # are often native machine types and raw pointers. While newtypes are a special case in that they are kind *, but are unlifted because their representation is identical to that of the type they contain, so the newtype itself is not creating any new pointer beyond that of the type it contains. That fact means that the newtype itself cannot be inhabited by bottom, only the thing it contains can be, so newtypes are unlifted.

We know something is a fully applied, concrete type when it is represented as *. When it is * -> *, it, like a function, is still waiting to be applied.

Kinds are the types of type constructors, primarily encoding the number of arguments they take. The default kind in Haskell is *. Kind signatures work like type signatures, using the same :: and -> syntax, but there are only a few kinds. Kinds are not types until they are fully applied.


A typeclass is a set of operations defined with respect to a polymorphic type. It is a means of expressing faculties or interfaces that multiple datatypes may have in common. When a type is an instance of a typeclass, values of that type can be used in the standard operations defined for that typeclass. In Haskell typeclasses are unique pairings of class and concrete instance.


Typeclass inheritance is when a typeclass has a superclass. This is a way of expressing that a typeclass requires another typeclass to be available for a given type before you can write an instance.


An instance is the definition of how a typeclass should work for a given type. Instances are unique for a given combination of typeclass and type.

In Haskell we have derived instances so that obvious or common typeclasses, such as Eq, Enum, Ord, and Show can have the instances generated based only on how the datatype is defined.


Broadly speaking, type signatures may have three kinds of types: concrete, constrained polymorphic, or parametrically polymorphic.

Polymorphism in Haskell means being able to write code in terms of values which may be one of several, or any, type. Polymorphism in Haskell is either parametric or constrained.

Instead of limiting functions to a concrete type, we use typeclass polymorphic type variables. Polymorphic type variables give us the ability to implement expressions that can accept arguments and return results of different types without having to write variations on the same expression for each type.

In Haskell, polymorphism divides into two categories: parametric polymorphism and constrained polymorphism.

Parametric polymorphism

Parametric polymorphism is broader than ad-hoc polymorphism. Parametric polymorphism refers to type variables, or parameters, that are fully polymorphic. When unconstrained by a typeclass, their final, concrete type could be anything. Constrained polymorphism, on the other hand, puts typeclass constraints on the variable, decreasing the number of concrete types it could be, but increasing what you can actually do with it by defining and bringing into scope a set of operations.

A function is polymorphic when its type signature has variables that can represent more than one type. That is, its parameters are polymorphic. Parametric polymorphism refers to fully polymorphic (unconstrained by a typeclass) parameters. Parametricity is the property we get from having parametric polymorphism. Parametricity means that the behavior of a function with respect to the types of its (parametrically polymorphic) arguments is uniform. The behavior is uniform across all concrete applications of the function, it can not change just because it was applied to an argument of a different type.

Ad-hoc polymorphism

Polymorphism in many other languages is probably a form of constrained, often called ad-hoc, polymorphism. Ad-hoc polymorphism in Haskell is implemented with typeclasses.

Ad-hoc polymorphism is polymorphism that applies one or more typeclass constraints to what would’ve otherwise been a parametrically polymorphic type variable. Here, rather than representing a uniformity of behavior across all concrete applications, the purpose of ad-hoc polymorphism is to allow the functions to have different behavior for each instance. This ad-hoc-ness is constrained by the types in the typeclass that defines the methods and Haskell’s requirement that typeclass instances be unique for a given type.