Support Vector Machine

Consider the \(\mathcal{l}_2\) regularized empirical risk function

where \(\hat{y}_i=w^Tx_i + w_0\). If \(\text{L}\) is quadratic loss, this is equivalent to ridge regression, and if \(\text{L}\) is the log-loss, this is equivalent to logistic regression.

In the ridge regression case, we know that the solusion to this has the form \(\hat{w}=(X^TX+\lambda I)^{-1}X^Ty\), and plug-in predictions take the form \(\hat{w}_0+\hat{w}^Tx\). We can rewrite these equations in a way that only involves inner products of the form \(x^Tx’\), which we can replace by calls to a kernel function, \(\kappa(x,x’)\). This is kernelized, but not sparse. However, if we replace the quadratic / log-loss with some other loss function, we can ensure that the solution is sparse, so that predictions only depend on a subset of the training data, known as support vectors. This combination of the kernel trick plus a modified loss function is known as a support vector machine or SVM. This technique was originally designed for binay classification, but can be extended to regression and multi-class classification.

Note that SVMs are very unnatural from a probabilistic point of view. First, they encode sparsity in the loss function rather than the prior. Second, they encode kernels by using an algorithmic trick, rather than being an explicit part of the model. Finally, SVMs do not result in probabilistic outputs, which causes various difficulties, especially in the multi-class classification setting.

The ridge estimate \(w=X^T(XX^T + \lambda I_N)^{-1}y\) takes \(O(N^3+N^2D)\) time to compute. This can be advantageous if \(D\) is large. We can partially kernelize this by replacing \(XX^T\) with the Gram matrix \(K\). For the leading \(X^T\) term, we define the following dual variables:

Then we can rewrite theprimal variables as follows

This shows that the solution vector is just a linear sum of the \(N\) training vectors. When we plug this in at test time to compute the predictive mean, we get


The goal of boosting is to solve the following optimization problem:

and \(\text{L}(y,\hat{y})\) is some loss function, and \(f\) is assumed to be an ARM model.

If we use squared error loss, the optimal estimate is given by

Of course, this cannot be computed in practice since it requires knowing the true conditional distribution \(p(y|x)\). Hence this is sometimes called the population minimizer, where the expectation is interpreted in a frequentist sense.

Finding the optimal \(f\) is hard, we can tackle it sequenctially. We initialise by defining

For example, if we use squared error, we can set \(f_0(x)=\bar{y}\), and if we use log-loss or exponential loss, we can set \(f_0(x)=\frac{1}{2}\log\frac{\tilde\pi}{1-\tilde\pi}\), where \(\tilde\pi=\frac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^N\mathbb{I}(y_i=1)\). We could use a more powerful model model for the baseline, such as a GLM.

Then at iteration \(m\), we compute

and then we set

The key point is that we do not go back and adjust earlier parameters. This is why the method is called forward stagewise additive modeling.

We continue this for a fixed number of iterations \(M\). In fact \(M\) is the main tuning parameter of the method. Often we pick it by monitoring the performance on a separate validation set, and then stopping once performance starts to decrease; this is called early stopping. Alternatively, we can use model selection criteria such as AIC or BIC.

In practice, better performance can be obtained by performing “partial updates” of the form

Here \(0 < \nu < 1\) is a step-size parameter. In practice it is common to use a small value such as \(\nu=0.1\). This is called shrinkage.

Suppose we use squared error loss. Then at step \(m\) the loss has the form

where \(r_{im}\triangleq y_i - f_{m-1}(x_i)\) is the current residual, and we have set \(\beta=1\) without loss of generality. Hence we can find the new basis function by using the weak learner to predict \(r_m\). This is called L2boosting, or least squared boosting.

Consider a binary classification problem with exponential loss. At step \(m\) we have to minimize

where \(w_{i,m}\triangleq\exp(-\tilde{y}_if_{m-1}(x_i))\) is a weight applied to datacase \(i\), and \(\tilde{y}_i \in \{-1,+1\}\). We can rewrite this objective as follows:

Consequently the optimal function to add is

This can be found by applying the weak learner to a weighted version of the dataset, with weight \(w_{i,m}\). Substituting \(\phi_m\) into \(\text{L}_m\) and solving for \(\beta\) we find


The overall update becomes

With this, the weights at the next iteration become

where we exploit the fact that \(-\tilde{y}_i\phi_m(x_i)=-1\) if \(\tilde{y}_i = \phi_m(x_i)\) and \(-\tilde{y}_i\phi_m(x_i)=+1\) otherwise. Since \(e^{-\beta_m}\) will cancel out in the normalization step, we can drop it. The result is the algorithm known AdaboostML.

The trouble with exponential loss is that it puts a lot of weight on misclassified examples. In addition, \(e^{-\tilde{y}f}\) is not the logarithm of any pmf for binary variables \(\tilde{y} \in \{-1,+1\}\); consequently we cannot recover probability estimates from \(f(x)\).

A natural alternative is to use logloss instead. This only punishes mistakes linearly. Furthermore, it means that we will be able to extract probabilities from the final learned function, using

The goal is to minimize the expected log-loss, given by

This is known as logitBoost.

Rather than deriving new versions of boosting for every different loss function, it is possible to derive a generic version, known as gradient boosting. To explain this, imagine minimizing

where \(f=(f(x_1), \cdots, f(x_N))\) are the parameters. We will solve this stagewise, using gradient descent. At step \(m\), let \(g_m\) be the gradient of \(\text{L}(f)\) evaluated at \(f=f_{m-1}\):

We then make the update

where \(\rho_m\) is the step length, chosen by

This is called functional gradient descent.

In its current form, this is not much use, since it only optimizes \(f\) at a fixed set of \(N\) points, so we do not learn a function that can generalize. However, we can modify the algorithm by fitting a weak learner to approximate the negative gradient signal. That is, we use this update

If we apply this algorithm using squared loss, we recover L2Boosting. If we apply this algorithm to log-loss, we get an algorithm known as BinomialBoost. The advantage of this over LogitBoost is that it does not need to be able to do weighted fitting: it just applies any black-box regression model to the gradient vector.

Suppose we use as our weak learner the following algorithm: search over all possible variables \(j=1:D\), and pick the one \(j(m)\) that best predicts the residual vector:

This method, which is known as sparse boosting, is identical to the matching pursuit algorithm.

It is clear that this will result in a sparse estimate, at least if \(M\) is small. To see this, let us rewrite the update as follows:

where the non-zero entry occurs in location \(j(m)\). This is known as forward stagewise linear regression, which becomes equivalent to the LAR algorithm as \(\nu \rightarrow 0\). Increasing the number of steps \(m\) in boosting is analogous to decreasing the regularization penalty \(\lambda\).

The boostings works well especially for classifiers. There are two main reasons for this. First, it can be seen as a form of \(\mathcal{l}_1\) regularization, which is known to help prevent overfitting by eliminating “irrelevant” features. To see this, imagine pre-computing all possible weak-learners, and defining a feature vector of the form \(\phi(x)=[\phi_1(x),\cdots,\phi_K(x)]\). We could use \(\mathcal{l}_1\) regularization to select a subset of these. Alternatively we can use boosting, where at each step, the weak learner creates a new \(\phi_k\) on the fly. It is possible to combine boosting and \(\mathcal{l}_1\) regularization, to get an algorithm known as L1-Adaboost.

So far, our presentation of boosting has been very frequentist, since it has focussed on greedily minimizing loss functions. Consider a mixture of experts model of the form

where each expert \(p(y|x,\gamma_m)\) is like a weak learner. We usually fit all \(M\) experts at once using EM, but we can imagine a sequential scheme, whereby we only update the parameters for one expert at a time. In the E step, the posterior responsibilities will reflect how well the existing experts explain a given data point; if this is a poor fit, these data points will have more influence on the next expert that is fitted. (This view natually suggest a way to use a boosting-like algorithm for unsupervised learning: we simply sequentially fit mixture models, instead of mixtures of experts.)

Notice that this is a rather “broken” MLE procedure, since it never goes back to update the parameters of an old expert.

Stochastic process

The basic idea behind a Markov chain is to assume that \(X_t\) captures all the relevant information for predicting the future. If we assume discrete time steps, we can write the joint distribution as follows:

This is called a Markov chain or Markov model.

If we assume the transition function \(p(X_t|X_{t-1})\) is independent of time, then the chain is called homogeneous, stationary, or time-invariant. This is an example of parameter tying, since the same parameter is shared by multiple variables. This assumption allows us to model an arbitrary number of variables using a fixed number of parameters; such models are called stochastic processes.

If we assume that the observed variables are discrete, so \(X_t\in\{1,\cdots,K\}\), this is called a discrete-state or finite-state Markov chain.

State space model

A state space model or SSM is just like an HMM, except the hidden states are continuous. The model can be written in the following generic form:

where \(z_t\) is the hidden state, \(u_t\) is an optional input or control signal, \(y_t\) is the observation, \(g\) is the transition model, \(h\) is the observation model, \(\epsilon_t\) is the system noise at time \(t\), and \(\sigma_t\) is the observation noise at time \(t\).

One of the primary goals in using SSMs is to recursively estimate the belief state \(p(z_t|y_{1:t},u_{1:t},\theta)\).

An import special case of an SSM is where all the CPDs are linear-Gaussian. In other words, we assume

  • The transition model is a linear function
  • The observation model is a linear function
  • The system noise is Gaussian
  • The observation noise is Gaussian

This model is called a linear-Gaussian SSM (LG-SSM) or a linear dynamical system (LDS). If the parameters \(\theta_t=(A_t,B_t,C_t,D_t,Q_t,R_t)\) are independent of time, the model is called stationary.

Belief propagation

The belief propagation (BP) or the sum-product algorithm is the generalization of the forwards-backwards algorithm from chains to trees.

Histogram comparison

The Bhattacharya distance can be used to compare histograms.


The perplexity of language model \(q\) given a stochastic process \(p\) is defined as

where \(\mathbb{H}(p,q)\) is the cross-entropy of the two stochastic processes, defined as

The cross entropy (and hence perplexity) is minimized if \(q=p\); in this case, the model can predict as well as the “true” distribution.

We can approximate the stochastic process by using a single long test sequence (composed of multiple documents and multiple sentences, complete with end-of-sentence markers), call it \(y_{1:N}^*\). (This approximation becomes more and more accurate as the sequence gets longer, provided the process is stationary and ergodic.) Define the empirical distribution (an approximation to the stochastic process) as

In this case, the cross-entropy becomes

and the perplexity becomes

We see that this is the geometric mean of the inverse predictive probabilities, which is the usual definition of perplexity.

In the case of unigram models, the cross entropy term is given by

where \(N\) is the number of documents and \(L_i\) is the number of words in document \(i\). Hence the perplexity of model \(q\) is given by

Intuitively, perplexity measures the weighted average branching factor of the model’s predictive distribution. Suppose the model predicts that each sysmbol (letter, word, whatever) is equally likely, so \(p(y_i|y_{1:i-1})=\frac{1}{K}\). Then the preplexity is \(((\frac{1}{K})^N)^{-\frac{1}{N}}=K\). If some symbols are more likely than others, and the model correctly relects this, its perplexity will be lower than \(K\). Of course, \(\mathbb{H}(p,p)=\mathbb{H}(p)\leq\mathbb{H}(p,q)\), so we can never reduce the perplexity below the entropy of the underlying stochastic process.

Some other words

One prevalent problem in social network analysis is missing data. If \(R_{ij}=0\), it may be due to the fact that person \(i\) and \(j\) have not had an opportunity to interact, or that data is not available for that interaction, as opposed to the fact that these people don’t want to interact. In other words, absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.